Please consider donating to our work. Together, we can advance human rights and build pathways to a more just future in which all people thrive in equal dignity and harmony with nature. Your donations will support our work in Jamaica and the Caribbean - from our legal work in support of Haitian asylum seekers and environmental rights defenders to our research that documents patterns of human rights abuses in the region.


Account Name: Freedom Imaginaries Limited
Name of Bank: National Commercial Bank
Branch Name: Constant Spring
Branch Address: 124-126 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8
Bank Account #: 334643891 (JMD)
Account Type: Savings
Swift Code: JNCBJMKX
Sort Code #: 33077


Account Name: Freedom Imaginaries Limited
Name of Bank: National Commercial Bank
Branch Name: Constant Spring
Branch Address: 124-126 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8
Bank Account #: 334643921 (USD)
Account Type: Savings
Swift Code: JNCBJMKX
Sort Code #: 33077

Freedom Imaginaries is a registered charity in Jamaica

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